Email Marketing & Copywriting
Listen to $100MM email marketer Troy Ericson chat with the industry's best email marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs. You'll learn all about Email Marketing, Copywriting, and scaling your business to new levels. Plus... hear zero-to-hero stories that you won't find anywhere else! (Podcast formerly known as 'Secrets of Scale').
Email Marketing & Copywriting
How Pauline Longdon became Australia’s best copywriter by turning away clients
Troy Ericson
Season 1
Episode 27
Pauline has been writing a weekly email for over 8 years and is also just very good at writing authentic personal copy. Pauline has also spent a lot of time in the army and has a bunch of doctorates and is overall really smart.
Pauline is definitely a fan favorite amongst many copywriters so if you would like to listen more about her story then tune into this awesome episode!
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