Email Marketing & Copywriting
Listen to $100MM email marketer Troy Ericson chat with the industry's best email marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs. You'll learn all about Email Marketing, Copywriting, and scaling your business to new levels. Plus... hear zero-to-hero stories that you won't find anywhere else! (Podcast formerly known as 'Secrets of Scale').
30 episodes
The RADD Method of Email List Management - Interview w/ Mary Laske Bell
In this interview, Troy Ericson, host of the Email Marketing & Copywriting Podcast, reconnects with Mary Laske Bell, owner of Busy Bell, a boutique email marketing agency. Three years since their last discussion, Mary has progressed remarka...
Season 1
Episode 30

How to Go Viral on Social Media in 2023 w/ Hillary Billings
Hillary Billing's created a TikTok account that went from 0-400,000 followers in just 40 days! She also worked with some of the biggest names and has an everything from a done for you agency to coaching on how to scale a social media presence.<...
Season 1
Episode 29

How to come up with Copywriting Ideas - Interview w/ David Deutsch
David Deutsch got his start at Ogilvy & Mather, an acclaimed Madison Avenue advertising agency, he took a break from the ad agency world and eventually became a direct response fundamentalist. He is now known internationally fo...
Season 1
Episode 28

How Pauline Longdon became Australia’s best copywriter by turning away clients
Pauline has been writing a weekly email for over 8 years and is also just very good at writing authentic personal copy. Pauline has also spent a lot of time in the army and has a bunch of doctorates and is overall really smart.Pauline i...
Season 1
Episode 27

The 7 Traits of A-List Copywriters w/ Brian Kurtz
Brian Kurtz is known for working at Boardroom Inc. for 34 years and helping them go from $5mil to $160mil. Brian also does a wide variety of marketing from traditional online copy to infomercials to sending over 1.3 billion pieces of dire...
Season 1
Episode 26

How Kim Krause Schwalm went from Corporate Job to Selling $1,000,000,000 of products & services
Kim Krause Schwalm has generated over $1 Billion in sales to her name for herself and her clients, she also helped the healthy directions supplements business, and hit what today would be $40 million/year. Kim is a very interesting...
Season 1
Episode 25

How to Start a 7 Figure Business AND Charity w/ Charles & Linda Van Kessler
Charles has an amazing story where at the age of two he was placed in a state run orphanage and eventually escaped at the age of 10 where he was living on the streets of Amsterdam, then coming to America to then start a charitable organization ...
Season 1
Episode 24

How to Avoid Burnout with Tara Wagner
This is an interview with Tara Wagner who is a breakthrough coach for small business owners on the verge of burnout!If you want to start learning how to create full time profits with a part time schedule that doesn't burn you out, then ...
Season 1
Episode 23

How Amy Lacey took Cali'flour Foods from the Farmer's Market to Walmart, Whole Foods, & Sprouts
This is an interview with Amy Lacey who sells a really cool product that more people need to know about!If you want to start learn how to scale your small business into something that is in stores as big as Whole Foods and Walmart, then...
Season 1
Episode 22

Will AI replace Copywriters? with Jon Benson
This is an interview with a serial entrepreneur Jon Benson who sold $1 Billion worth of stuff and is creator of VSL!In this video, Jon Benson explains how to get into copywriting and the whole online space, talking about his beginnings ...
Season 1
Episode 21

Meet my new COO, Dom Chiaravalloti!
Meet my new COO, Dom Chiaravalloti! Dom first reached out to me during Copy Accelerator Virtual 2020, begged to meet me, drove all the way to Orlando, and slowly proved himself as a copywriter.The beginning was rough... and I didn't rea...
Season 1
Episode 20

How Sean Ferres Built A 7 Figure Copywriting Business AND Became A Professional Musician
Most people WISH they could become a professional musician... or find some other way to make millions...Well, Sean Ferres has done both. And frankly, I'm a little jealous since I haven't had the time to join band... So, I ask Sean how h...
Season 1
Episode 11

How Jason Capital Sold $75MM worth of courses
Jason Capital has sold $75,000,000 worth of courses in every niche imaginable... Dating, Basketball, Supplements, Biz Opp, Real Estate, etcWe chatted about that, the mistakes he's made along the way, what he's currently up to, and how y...
Season 1
Episode 21

How Travis Chappell grew his podcast to 3,000,000 Downloads
This year at 100 Million Mastermind, I met a guy named Travis Chappell who is THE guru of podcasts.He has over 3,000,000 podcast downloads, built a multi-7 figure business from it, and has gotten to interview his heroes like Shaquille O...
Season 1
Episode 19

How to Make Money as an Anti-Social Copywriter w/ Sarah Turner
I hadn't heard of Sarah Turner until I met her at Sam Ovens' Quantum Mastermind... Only to find out that she's sold over $27,000,000 online AND has over 250,000 subscribers! Best of all, she's pretty anti-social-media... So this episode should ...
Season 1
Episode 18

From Unpaid Intern to 7-Figure Copywriter: The Story of Alex Cattoni
Alex Cattoni is one of the best copywriters in the world and the founder of The Copy Posse... with over 200,000 subscribers!But, you may not know that she started as an intern at MindValley... and quickly grew into one of the internet's...
Season 1
Episode 17

Webinar King Joel Erway says THIS works better than webinars
We've all heard of webinars. Joel Erway has sold over $100,000,000 using them. But what he shares in this episode is the NEW version of webinars... according to the Webinar King himself! Listen in & try this out ASAP.
Season 1
Episode 16

Chris Evans on the struggles, victories, and lessons from building Traffic & Funnels
Most people know Chris Evans as the co-founder of Traffic & Funnels, alongside Taylor Welch.But what you may not know is how they met, their church lives before, and the near-failures they overcame to make Traffic & Funnels one ...
Season 1
Episode 14

The TRUTH about making $1,000,000+ per month w/ Tanner Chidester
Most people only dream of making $1,000,000 per month. Tanner Chidester does it every month. But what's more impressive is that he started at Olive Garden, grew his online fitness coaching business from nothing, began business coaching, and sta...
Season 1
Episode 15

Alen Sultanic's Deepest Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed - Nothing Held Back!
In this episode, you'll learn the beginnings of Alen Sultanic - the founder of Nothing Held Back! Alen has been an OG in the Direct Response Marketing Community for decades... But only recently became an Internet Marketing Celebri...
Season 1
Episode 13

Anik Singal has made $300+ per day for 21 straight years with THIS strategy
Anik Singal started as a broke college kid who's gone on to sell $350 MILLION online.And ever since he discovered the client-getting method that he reveals in this video... He's made at least $300 per day for 21 straight years! Which in...
Season 1
Episode 12

Million Dollar DM Closing with Lauren Tickner
In this video, you will learn the beginnings of Lauren Tickner, named #1 Coach by Forbes magazine!She was a millionaire by the age of 23 and now has businesses in fitness AND business coaching.We'll talk about how to captivate y...
Season 1
Episode 10

The TRUTH about Mindset... And the best way to think about life? (with Paul Hoffman)
Episode 9 of the Secrets of Scale Podcast with Troy Ericson & Paul Hoffman.Paul was a college basketball player, tour manager for Pink Floyd, shared a stage with the Dali Lama... and is now one of the industry's top mindset gur...
Season 1
Episode 9

The World's Best Female Copywriter? (Laura Catella Georgi)
In this video, you will learn how one of the industry's best copywriters, Laura Catella Georgi, got started writing... And how she turned it into a 7-figure beauty business! Learn Laura's tips, mindset, and insights for entre...
Season 1
Episode 8

Facebook Ad Hacks & the truth about 'Entrepreneur Mindset' w/ Jason Wojo
Back in 2018, my DM's were being blown up by this random guy who was a super fan of one of my clients.He was SO persistent that we finally gave him a shot.Today, that same kid has over 1 million Instagram followers & runs a ...
Season 1
Episode 7